Thursday, May 31, 2012

John Dink: Cheap Law

This is so good:

“What Would Jesus Do?” Here is the costly answer: Jesus would do it all perfectly. And that’s game over for you. 

The Father is not grooming you to be a replacement for his Beloved Son. He is announcing that there is blessing for those who take shelter in his Beloved Son. Cheap law tells us that we’ve fallen, but there’s good news, you can get back up again. Therein lies the great heresy of cheap law: it is a false gospel. And it cheapens – no – it nullifies grace... 

Don’t you see? The Old Being will stop at nothing to get back to the old system. He will not mend his ways – the third time is not the charm! The demands cannot be used to sanctify any more than they could be used to save. They’re meant to reveal your nothingness and corner you before the Christ “who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification.” 

Cheap law will never quiet the self-righteous being because it invites him to keep haggling over what he can do apart from Jesus. And that is why law must be costly. It must always get to the heart of the matter. It’s not only murder that deserves death, but hate. It’s not only adultery that condemns, but lust. Not only theft, but coveting. It’s not only what is done with your hands that is judged, but what is done in your heart. And so – it should be clear – this is not “let’s make a deal.” The deals have been cut. The law of Moses is more than you can afford. The Son that God did not spare is priceless. The grace Jesus gives is free. That’s all there is. But cheap law keeps us searching for something to leverage against our poverty. Only costly law will bring that search to an end. It empties our pockets and opens our hands – revealing this: unless the religious expert becomes a beggar, he will not be given the kingdom. Costly law closes in on us and puts this prayer in our mouth: “Be merciful to me, a sinner.” Don’t you know, it’s only those who have been bankrupted by God’s costly law that are eligible for the riches of His grace? via Tullian


  1. God's Grace has rocked MY world and He has graciously used me to impart (probably plagaristically) quite a bit of teaching in the style of Tullian Tchividjian, John Dink, Elyse Fitzpatrick, and Paul Tripp to about 150 VBS kids and their crew leaders last week. They were not leaving without hearing the Gospel! Praise God's Name forever. Thank you Jesus and the faithful preachers of His Word.

  2. heard this article quoted by Tullian Tchivjian at some conference, mindblowing truth
