Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mark Driscoll and Gary Breshears: The Horrors of a Crucifixion

The Romans perfected crucifixion; they reserved it as the most painful mode of execution for the most despised people, such as slaves, the poor, and Roman citizens guilty of the worst high treason. The crucifixion methods varied with the sadism of the soldiers. They tried to outdo one another and experimented with various forms of torture. They grew learned in the ways to prolong the pain and agony...

The victim was affixed to the cross with either ropes or nails. The pain of crucifixion is due in part to the fact that it is a prolonged and agonizing death by asphyxiation. Crucified people could hang on the cross  for anywhere from three to four hours or for as long as nine days, passing in and out of consciousness as their lungs struggled to breath while laboring under the weight of their body...

None of this was done in dignity or privacy, but rather in open, public place. It would be like nailing a bloodied, naked man above the front entrance to your local mall. Crowds would gather around the victim to mock them as they sweated in the sun, bled, and became incontinent in the sun.”

God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. - Romans 5:8

1 comment:

  1. Is it Blasphemy?…
    Are we to believe that the Romans gave Jesus special non-naked crucifixion to take away some of his humiliation and suffering? And what about the two common criminals on each side? Were they also covered so they wouldn’t be embarrassed in the portrait? And were the other two pierced to drain the blood so it wouldn’t engorge their penises when their hearts stopped?
    If we are lied to about the crucifixion that allowed Jesus to carry the burdens of mans sins what other naked lies are being covered over?

    Sorry about the rant but I’ve been reading some of Paul’s contradictions lately…

    Ima Wondering
